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I have today ordered a red cube from omlet. I am rescuing 4 ex battery hens, probably in july now.


i am also builing a new run for them all. it will be 4.5m x 3m.

i will have an eglu for the 4 new hens separated from the others but still able to see each other until they can hopefully all live together in the cube.


i will have an eglu for sale in the next week or so as i currently have 2!

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Hey Andrew & Carly, you guys really have it bad! 8)


All best! My Cube takes up all the spare space in my wee back garden but I'm sure that someone will be very happy to relieve you of your excess Eglu.


Bless you for taking in the ex-bats. They will be in chook heaven (without actually popping their chicken clogs).

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