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I just got my new chickens today ! :D I collected them from a local farm and they are just beautiful, we got a sussex star 16 weeks old, a grey french 16 weeks and a golden buff about 1 year old


I arrived home with the three chickens and put them into the iglu and within 2 hours the golden buff had layed an egg - I was amazed she obviously is very happy with her new home but my problem is she will not let the other two out of the the hut and when they do come out she just pecks at them, :cry: I know its the first day but will it change or have I got a problem ? should I take her back to the farm and change her for another one of a similar age or can anyone recommend anything



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You say that she's a year old, so perhaps she had been returned to the farmer before for the same reason.


As he was honest about her age (and maybe was hoping that this arrangement would be successful), perhaps you could ring him up about the situation.


Be tactful and appreciative of his honesty. I would be tempted to act quickly, but others may have better advice.


The best of luck to you.

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This is perfectly normal hen behaviour so exchanging the troublesome hen won't help at all. Ensure that the two in the hen house have access to food and water. Extra food and drink stations are useful as the dominant hen can't man them all. You could try separating the girls for a few hours when she goes onto the nest to lay an egg. It may give the two others a rest from the bullying.


Just try to remember that things will settle down in a week or so when pecking order is established. It's hard to watch but things will be fine soon enough. :D


Enjoy your hens they are really lovely and very addictive.

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thanks for replies, I seperated the bully today and the remaining two were so happy together but late afternoon I have put the bully back into the pen and she is doing the same as yesterday, they have hid in the iglu for 3 hours tonight but the bully is now going into the iglu and pecking them and they are coming out for her to bully, will they be ok tonight ? I am really worried poor little things



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I was wondering if anyone could help me-

Our hens are laying in a hen house and before we have a change to collect the eggs the magpies have eaten them! We have been finding shell around our garden and have seen have evidence that they are eating them.


I don't know a way that will let the hens in but keep the magpies out!



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Will they be OK tonight ? I am really worried poor little things




Generally, they tend not to bully when they are roosting. It could all settle down within a week or so when they are used to each other's company and the pecking order has been sorted out.

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I was wondering if anyone could help me-

Our hens are laying in a hen house and before we have a change to collect the eggs the magpies have eaten them! We have been finding shell around our garden and have seen have evidence that they are eating them.


I don't know a way that will let the hens in but keep the magpies out!




Is the hen house fairly open or can you make just a small entry and exit for the chickens which would deter the magpies from entering?

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I was wondering if anyone could help me-

Our hens are laying in a hen house and before we have a change to collect the eggs the magpies have eaten them! We have been finding shell around our garden and have seen have evidence that they are eating them.


I don't know a way that will let the hens in but keep the magpies out!




What about a rollaway nest box like **this one**. Maybe you could rig one up so that the eggs are inaccessible to the magpies.


Why not put some ceramic eggs in the box. When they have hurt their beaks a few times they might give up. :lol:

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i eventually got them all into the iglu, but I feel bad thinking the bully might start pecking at them during the night or early morning.

Found a tail feather in the run


What time do they wake up ?


Hope all is starting to settle down. My white star, Alice, is trying to exert her power too - I was really worried about leaving them shut in the Cube last night - imagined a blood bath this morning :cry: She was giving a few pecks and I didn't know what would happen if the others couldn't get away from her :? However everyone survived by this morning - she is still doing it again a bit tonight but I am getting a bit more used to it and keep telling the rest of them to just agree that she is boss :wink:

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