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Still new to the wonderful world of chickens but am making good progress I think. Four weeks in, 4 chickens in, all laying, all seem happy and content, discovered the wonders of Aubiose however am a little unsure about composting. it would appear that there will be plenty of raw material and I'm not sure whether it would be better to buy 2 smaller compost bins (quicker turnround) or go for one large one?

Any sugestions?



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I would suggest at least 2 large ones! :lol:


Seriously, the volumes can be large and the bigger the container, the better it rots down. I get lovely compost from my chicken and rabbit waste, with a bit of garden greenery thrown in. I have 2 slatted wooden composters plus a black plastic one from the council. The turning it from one container to another speeds up the process too, IMHO.

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I had a small one and it just sat there doing nothing (even with activator and water added!) I've now got a large 330 one from the council linked supplier and have transfered everything from my small one to the large one. I'm adding to the small one again with the hope that it can be moved to the large one.


Just one problem with the big plastic compost bins - it's not easy mixing it or moving the contents to another bin! It's surprising how much they hold!

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I bought two 200 litre bins last year, and they are both now full! Admittedly I have quite a lot of grass-cuttings as well. I've just bought a 400-litre one, because I can see that I'm going to need it. The good news is that aubiose composts really well, and the chicken-poo is a good activator. I've already dug out several tub-trugs full of lovely rich dark compost from the first bin.


I'd get the largest ones you can fit in your garden.

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