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White runny droppings!

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I have had my 2 girls for 4 weeks this week, but have noticed over the last week that one of them (Miss Pepperpot) is passing liquid white droppings!! She is well in every other way, still telling me off when I haven't been down to see them and not giving her any treats.


Can anyone suggest what may be wrong with her or is this just what she does? Also, I think she may be the owner of an egg found yesterday with a soft shell...


Any help greatly appreciated :o)

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Just joined this forum - hence the delay in replying. In the last month i've had a nightmare loosing 2 to some sort of bacterial infection. They were initially treated for cocci but this turned out to be wrong. They had milky, white, runny droppings - a bit thicker than water - sort of mucus like! However, they went downhill very quickly - fine to dead in 24 hours. In this respect it doesn't seem to be the same as yours. Just for info they were eventually treated with baytril (10%). Rather than putting it in their water i syringed it directly into their mouths. (i think it was about 0.2ml per kg).The one who had most recently gone down with the symptoms had a miraculous recovery after the baytril.


Hope your lot are ok now but if not see about baytril from your vet



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Thanks for that info - I'll make a note of the treatment just in case. She is still doing the same droppings but is completely fine in all other ways, she has even started laying this week and her eggs are lovely!


I will keep watching her, but she doesn't seem the slightest bit ill she's just got a horrid bottom :o)

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There is a sticky on odd droppings, including runny droppings that might help to put your mind at rest.


I think they all can do runny droppings from time to time, especially after something has upset them, like being moved, a fox visit or a big thunder storm. You've only had them a while so they are probably still settling in and a bit jumpy when something unusual happens.


Ours had upset tummies for a few days after a neighbours child kicked a big red football over the fence and it hit the run.


You could try cutting back on the treats for a few days and giving her porridge made up from oats and pro-biotic yoghurt to help settle her tummy. Bokashi bran has also help to firm up droppings.

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Mine had runny droppings for a while and I finally had to admit that I was giving them too many treats :oops: . I've cut back a lot (they just have a small amount of one type of treat in the evening) and they have been fine.

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