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Berkshire hens

Recommended paint/wood preservative for rabbit hutches?

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Hi Jim


Most of them on the market are safe once they are dry. I use Cuprinol Duck's Back for my wooden hutch and it works fine. It's a good idea to give the inside a coat of polyeurethane to make it watertight as this makes the poop and wee easier to get off.


BTW it's a good idea to litter train your bunnies as it makes cleaning a lot easier. Just get a high sided litter tray and put some of the wood pellet litter (only use this, not a clumping one) from Tesco in it, put poos in there as the come and put the bunnies in if they look like doing one and they'll get the idea. Bunnies are naturally fastidious and would prefer to go mostly in one place.


Try to get two bunnies as they need company (just like chooks), two girls, preferably sisters, are good, just remember to get them spayed at 6 months to avoid uterine cancer (and hormonal stroppiness).


The breeder I got my girls from http://www.rossrabbits.co.uk has loads of info on her site and gorgeous bunnies for sale too

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