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Mel (& Paul)


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Me and Joe obviously can't have children - goodness knows what they would make of that -two men, together SHOCK HORROR :shock::shock::shock:


Two of our close friends didn't even used to recycle til we drilled it into them that it wasn't right and there was no excuse as the council provide a green box (we have three at the mo :lol: )


They don't go as far as we do admittedly but they now recycle the basics,


As for us thats, milk bottles, pop bottles, glass jars, cans, foil, batteries, cardboard, carrier bags, phone books, yellow pages, green waste (either composted or taken by the council for them to compost (the bindweed), paper, gosh there's loads!!


You should have smacked them one Mel although I admire your restraint.


Have another glass of wine! :lol::lol:



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Me and Joe obviously can't have children - goodness knows what they would make of that -two men, together SHOCK HORROR :shock::shock::shock:

Good grief. Should you be allowed :shock::wink:

Two of our close friends didn't even used to recycle til we drilled it into them that it wasn't right and there was no excuse as the council provide a green box (we have three at the mo :lol: )

We had to buy an extra bin for the glass (all pasta sauce jars of course........ :oops: )

They don't go as far as we do admittedly but they now recycle the basics,


As for us thats, milk bottles, pop bottles, glass jars, cans, foil, batteries, cardboard, carrier bags, phone books, yellow pages, green waste (either composted or taken by the council for them to compost (the bindweed), paper, gosh there's loads!!


You should have smacked them one Mel although I admire your restraint.

Thank you. I'm pretty amazed too :wink:

Have another glass of wine! :lol::lol:

If you REALLY insist. but only because I'm being polite. Not because I drink......much.......... :wink::lol:


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