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Girls first walk about.

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It went very well :D They are used to do dogs through the run, but tonight they were all out togeather. The dogs were fine with them and the girls weren't bothered at all. There was a very funny moment when Ginger flapped and landed on Mac's back :shock: but they both just looked a bit shocked and walked in different directions and forgot about it. Mac decided that while the girls were out he would go in their run, have a sniff and eat some poo :roll: . Ted was a bit more careful and prefers it if they don't flap or make a noise but for the first night I think it all went very well.


Some pics.


Their first steps out of the run



Golly. Don't point that thing at me



Mac and Ginger



Ted, Ginger, Golly and Boco at the back



Mac thinks ginger is lost



Golly gets a better view from the top of the run



While the girls are out Mac decides its a good time to check out the Eglu




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i've just let my girls out for the first time this evening too... bye bye flower beds! i'm watching them out the office window, having a taste of everything in the borders. I'm looking forward to seeing cats & chickens interact - but that would require the cats to actually get off the sofa :)

i've now got a queue of neighbours & friends wanting to come round & meet the girls - do you think i could get commission from Omlet for converts?

Great pictures btw, beautiful girls


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Thanks for your replys everyone.


Couperwife. Yes the dog had to reverse out :lol: But he is an expert at it because he always has his nose in something he shouldn't have, we always say he has rear view mirrors.


Mutrix Farmers. I did have the camera in my hand but dropped it when it happened and run :lol: shame, it would have been a brilliant pic.


Abbey Road Girl. Sorry you couldn't see the pictures properly, I sometimes get that when trying to look at pictures on photobucket too. No idea why though.


drliz. I know what you mean about the flower beds :roll: They never stop eating.


Everybody waiting for their chooks, sit tight, its more than worth the wait.


Glad you liked the pics.


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