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Prolapse? Any info?

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Hi everyone. Not long ago, my lovely white cochin Blanche seemed perfectly happy during the day and when she went to bed at dusk but as we checked on them all to close them up for the night, she was sitting with what looked like her insides hanging out of her vent, blood dripping everywhere. It was just awful. The others were all huddled together at the opposite end of the chicken house. I had and still have no real idea of what the problem was. My husband had to put her out of her misery as I couldn't even do that. How pathetic am I? Even in her obvious state, I couldn't do it. Does anyone know if it was a prolapse? A chap I know suggested that it might be and is just one of those things. It really was nasty - poor Blanche. She was only 18mths old and we'd had her since she was an egg !! :cry:

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Sounds like it I'm afraid. What a horrible situation.


It usually happens when the hen struggles to lay an extra large egg.


If you catch it in time, you can clean it up and push it back in.


Applying haemorrhoid cream will shrink the tissue to make this easier.


It is then best to feed the hen on a bland, unnutritious diet for a few days, to stop her laying and give things a chance to heal.


Extra calcium will increase the strength of the contractions which push the egg out, and because of this the size of the eggs will be a little smaller, and the shells firmer so that there is something to push against.


Unfortunately, in many cases, prolapses recurr.


If not caught in time, the other hens will peck at the prolapse, and cause life threatening injuries to the prolapsed hen.

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