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One of my girls hasn't laid for about two weeks, she's been moulting a bit and she's very warm and hard underneath.


She's been sitting in the nesting box for 2-3 hours at a time about every other day.


She's eating, drinking and pooing and seems fine in herself except when she sits down her breathing is quite obvious.


The most worrying thing is that she's suddenly extremely heavy!


Could she be broody or is this the beginning of peritonitis?


Don't want to take her to the vets if shes just broody :oops:

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if shes broody she will fluff herself up like a pancake, and growl or look at you nastily if you try to take away her eggs, also odd noises and grunting at the other chooks is a sign. Sitting for a long time also and a warm undercarriage.


If she is broody she will do everything possible to get into the nestbox for her "eggs".


She could be starting to go broody if she is still eating and drinking....my girls are "semi broody" at the moment - still eating and drinking but still sitting in the nestbox at any given opportunity! :roll:


I have a hen with sterile peronitis and its quite obvious, she walks like John Wayne, she has sometimes a swollen undercarriage with a very red bum and when she lies down sometimes her comb goes purple because of the pressure of the fluid.


Keep an eye on her, but if you are concerned maybe a phone call to your vet? :wink:

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one of mine is "semi-broody" too, sitting in the nest box even when we have taken her egg away (much to her dislike) but I have now shut the door to the eglu when the others have all laid (advice from another friend with chickens) so I hope that will help!


Good luck with your chicken, hope she is ok by now



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