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Essential Buys before the chickens arrive?

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Hi Everyone, sorry as I am sure this has been posted so many times before, but I wondered if you can tell me what I need to get prior to chickens arriving?


So far I have got wood chips for the run, some food, mixed corn and poultry grit.


What else do I need straight away and what can I get gradually?





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You already have the start up essentials.. but would also recommend..


Diatoms or Red Mite powder - essential

Limestone flour - desirable for good egg shells

Bokashi Bran - helps with poo smell and consistancy so desirable

Garlic - poo smell again - not essential but I like :D

Apple Cider vinager - not essential

A wild bird feeder like a fat ball cage for cabbage leaves etc

A treat bowl as feeding from hand can get painful!


You will also need a wormer at some point down the line.. you can use verm- x but most people prefer Flubenvet as very effective.- essential


Think thats about it, I have a few other bits and bobs like..


You already have wood chips, otherwise would have suggested Auboise/hemcore for run..


I also use shredded paper in nestbox .. and newspaper to line poo trays.


EDITED TO ADD Forget to mention all these are not needed straight away or even at all! (except wormer) just things you might like to add as you go :D



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Bokashi - wiggly wigglers

Garlic, Limestone, Hemsoce/Auboise - from any local horse supply shop

Feed - yes flytesofancy are great for a lot of things including red mite pwder etc, however a local feed merchant would be cheaper due to no P&P. Scats Country Stores, Countrywide Stores, my horse supply store also gets in poultry feed for me so worth asking there if you can find one. Some Pets at Home also do layers pellets.

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I found it quite difficult to find local suppliers of chicken stuff but these are the places I use.


Romsley Country stores: Kenelms Road, Romsley. I think they sell everything that you would need. I have got garlic powder, Auboise, red mite powder...and a galvenised bin (bargain £13.99) from there. They also sell layers pellets etc.


Countrywide: Near Hanbury Turn, Stoke Prior. They don't always have things in stock but can be quite useful for feed etc.


There is also a place near Webbs Garden Centre opposite the caravan place on the A38. It is up a track but there is a sign on the main road. Really nice guy who makes chicken houses and sells feed, grit, etc.


Withall also has a horse and pet shop that sells some stuff for chickens but I can't remember exactly where is was!


Hope this helps but, if you find anywhere else local let me know!

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After buying nearly every chicken health supplement (over time, I might add!), IMHO the only ones you need are Diatom and apple cider vinegar. If you use diatom, you don't need any other mite products. ACV in their water helps avoid sour crop and worms and keeps their gut healthy.

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Thanks everyone for the replies, I have made a list, and especially of the places near us, also found one which is about 5 mins away from my house called Corn Stores (sandy chick not sure if you have found this one?) its in Redditch and popped in and got a few bits and bobs, will go back next week with hubby :D


Been preparing the garden today for the new arrivals, we have moved our deck and sectioned off an area for them, it looks really good, hubby was that pleased he has been out taking photos!

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Do you know where the water tower is in Redditch? Its really close to there, I use to always get straw from there for my bunnies, its been there years now, this is the address:


The Corn Stores

360 Evesham Rd

Redditch, B97 5JB

01527 541982


It is really small but they did all the things we were looking for, I noticed they sold the growers pellets too and I asked if they always had them cos I read on various sites alot of people struggle to find suppliers, they said yes they always do.

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It is hard to find I had forgotten what side of the road it was on and drove straight past, its on the same side as knights chemist (if its still called that) if you go past the chemist heading towards the water tower its just up there, there is a sign you can't miss it if you look on that side :D

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