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Not as far as we hoped!!!

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Well after a very wet weekend we haven't achieved as much as we would have liked to.


Hubby tried to amputate his right thumb with a hand saw, fortunately it was a hand saw otherwise he might have managed it!!!!!


This is where we are now, everything it screwed into place, bolted to the concrete and everything level. Just got the door to make and the roof to put on with 9 days to go, I think we we have some good evenings we may have to try and do some bits then as leaving it until next weekend may be a bit risky.



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wow you're nearly there! It looks great too. My OH is in garden as i type attaching mesh to wood frames, this is our third weekend at it and as he is working away next week it won't be finished until next weekend poor chooks :cry:


I didn't realise it would take so long


!!!!!! weather doesn't help

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Hope your hubbys thumb is ok.


Thankyou. It was very difficult yesterday with his thumb all bandaged up, we always do things like this together so I was a t least able to help him, it's anazing how much you learn over the years.


His thumb was really sore last night and he couldn't get to sleep straight away. I'm sure it will be fine, but it was a nasty cut and I think he will lose his thumb nail.

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It all looks very sturdy and fox-proof. DD and I scared a very large fox out of the garden last night. They seem to be visiting every day at the moment. I am constantly worrying that my girls will be safe in my run. I check the perimeters every day and can't see any evidence of break-in attempts, but having lost one hen to a fox, it's always a worry. :anxious:


I think they would have a great deal of trouble with your super-duper run. :)


You must be getting very excited now.

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