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Ive got an unusual coloured buff one that i admire from a distance as I cant get near her, but shes only 15weeks so I'm hoping that will change when she comes into lay.


I do think they are more flighty than some of the other breeds though, according to what i've read.But apparently are good egg producers and of course they should lay lovely white eggs.

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Ive got an unusual coloured buff one that i admire from a distance as I cant get near her, but shes only 15weeks so I'm hoping that will change when she comes into lay.


I do think they are more flighty than some of the other breeds though, according to what i've read.But apparently are good egg producers and of course they should lay lovely white eggs.


Thanks Ruth. Didn't realise they could be flighty. We've already got a cream legbar who goes into panic mode if you so much as look at her :roll:

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I was looking for a cream legbar and couldnt track one down, then came across a guy who had the Cotswald legbars and Leghorns.


So i went to get one and came back with three and they all run away when i go near them.


They also climb lots and spend a lot of time sitting on top of the cube gazing down at the others :)

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We have 2 white leghorns, they are lovely consistent layers of pure white eggs, but are called the flighty whities, as they are always out of the run, and one used to spend a few hours each day over in next doors garden :roll:


They are also usually covered in mud, for white hens they have no desire to look white :lol:


Karen x

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Excellent egg layer -Smartie lays large sized white eggs too, but she is very flighty. Mind you, the other week we clipped her wings again & since then she has calmed down loads. When hubby catches her, she goes into soppy mode & likes being held then. She comes in the house as cheeky as anything if the back door is open, she is a real character & I do like her more these days. She has a wonderful floppy comb that is like a bonnet. They are funny birds with lots of bossyness, peckyness & flightyness - but very entertaining. I wouldn't recommend them for children though. I also have a gold legbar, now she is much better - likes flying, but is a lot lot friendlier - her eggs should be white, but they are more pale duck egg colour & sometimes pink!



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Thanks again :) I think we're going to give a leghorn a miss as knowing our luck they'd get into next doors who has an immaculate lawn. He's in his 80's and used to keep and show chickens himself years ago but I know he wouldn't like it if one got in his garden.

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