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Cubes finally coming to america!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Cube should arrive in the US sometime in February 2009. I just ordered mine from Clare at the OmletUK. :clap::dance::clap::dance::clap::dance::dance::dance:

She called me to inform me.....I gues it's true what they say. "The squeeky wheel gets the oil."


Fantastic news. :D


Most important....what colour?


My favorite color (cube orange):D8)

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I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am sooooo excited!!!!!!


I literally sat down to order one in the UK after a lengthy discussion with my mum and calling in favours from people in the US military - was going to get it posted...and by chance I glanced at the US website and saw the bulletin and nearly fainted, I swear!!!


Have spent so many hours researching freight and postage and import tax etc...ahhhh... :wall: and Omlet were ignoring my emails and ahhhhh.... :wall:


Soooo excited...




I have just got off the phone with Claire and have ordered a PURPLE cube without run!!!!! :D:D:D(cube purple)(cube purple)(cube purple)(cube purple)(cube purple)


EDD end of Jan...


She said they're sending 30 units over, so hope lots of other people put in there orders so there's no chance of them cancelling shipment :anxious::anxious::anxious:


Sooo excited :)

Am going to spend happy hours this evening looking out local breeders and deciding which chickens we want this time. I have so missed having chickens... :D:D



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Yeah, we're already on the other side of the Atlantic...have been for about 6 weeks and probably here for good (if I ever get my green card sorted - otherwise I'll be back by xmas!!! :shock::roll: )

I didn't sell my girls, just rehomed them with someone who'd lost all but one of her hens, a friend of a friend, who updates me occasionally, so its ok, they went to a good home. Suppose I should take them off my signature :(

Do miss those little chicken faces outside the window and the company when you're hanging out the washing etc...very excited that we should have chickens again come spring...something to look forward to once the snow goes :dance:

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