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Cat with burnt tongue

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I wasn't sure where to put this one, so please move if not appropriate. My cat Broxi has burnt the end of his tongue on something, not sure what, and we have searched the house high and low :? The only thing that we can think of is that there was some chicken poo by the back door that we hadn't noticed, is it possible he has licked it and this has caused the burn? It's only the tip of his tongue as if he touched something he didn't like then moved away quickly. We're very confused, as there isn't anything else we could see in the house (and he doesn't go out) that could have caused it. No household products or anything lying about.

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I wouldn't have thought so either, but tbh I cant think of anything else. The tip of his tongue is very red, but he's eaten a little today, though still drooling at the mouth a bit. He's had cold milk and water which have helpde. He did this earlier on in the year with paint and ended up at the vets for 3 days, but that time he burnt his whole mouth, not just the tip of the tongue. :roll: Cost me nearly £200 that time :shock: But I don't think it warrants drips and painkillers this time, he just doesn't learn, silly cat.

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Ah bless him :sad: he's absolutely gorgeous (as are the others too :lol:).


I can't think of anything he could have done either. Have you been cooking anything tonight that might have taken his fancy while your back was turned? Cats can be so silly sometimes :roll: My 6 have no common sense at all most of the time :lol:

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wracked my brains to no avail, but he is doing better today. The drooling has stopped and he is all loving and purry again. He has had some cold milk (even though I know you shouldn't really give cats milk) and has eaten some of his biscuits :D Let's hope he learns his lesson this time :roll:

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Hey Alex. Fancy seeing you on a chicken forum. :shock:





Fancy!! :lol: Thanks for pointing me in this direction Kel, picked up loads of info about keeping my chooks.


Just to let you all know that Broxi is completely back to normal. No long lasting effects. Would still love to know how he did it :eh: And tbh Angels, I can't remember if anyone had just made toast, but I wouldn't have thought that was it. Had bits drop in front of his nose before and he sniffed and walked away :lol:

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