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A chickychickychick-ENN!!

My chickens are coming!

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The hutch (I still sometimes say 'hutch' instead of 'coop' and 'he' instead of 'she' for hens. Sorry!) is coming today with all the bits, then we are adjusting the perch height, then the chickens will be here THIS WEEK!


Ben at Hen House, Teston, Kent spent a delightful morning with me making him chase chickens round with his big net (easier with the amount of chickens he has than catching them by hand. I have picked four:


A Fenning Sussex (Sussex hybrid) which will be called Una Paloma Blanca or Una for short. Because she's white (blanca is white in Spanish) and the song has been stuck in my head for ages. It means A White Horse. But I like it.


A Fenning Cou Cou which will be called Mattilda Cuckoo. The spelling is funny because it is named after my friend Matt who gave me the cash for the chickens as a present.


A Mendlesham Blue which will be called Mrs Jones, also after Matt whose surname is Jones.


And a Fenning Black which will be called Miss Blenner-Hassett because I like the film Withnail and I and she owns the tea rooms in it.


I am very excited so had to share!


Anna x

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A Fenning Sussex (Sussex hybrid) which will be called Una Paloma Blanca or Una for short. Because she's white (blanca is white in Spanish) and the song has been stuck in my head for ages. It means A White Horse. But I like it.


I'm excited for you, but thought you'd like to know Paloma= Dove not Horse.

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I KNEW that! Thanks for putting me straight. I am a donkey.


We learnt a caballo (horsey) song at school. I mix them up a lot because 'Una Paloma Blanca', in my head, sounds on a par with 'My Lovely Horse' from Father Ted:







I only ever knew the words to the 'una paloma blanca' bit.


Sorry if these get stuck in your head!


Anna x

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