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Different colour egg shell

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Hi - Daphne (my pepperpot) has been laying for ages now - always a lovely pale browm colour egg. Today's egg was a very pale cream (almost white). It looks perfectly normal apart from the colour - so I'm a bit curious as to why would that would happen. Any ideas?


Winnie's eggs are a dark chestnut colour and Bunty still hasn't started laying (well behind the others - the little freeloader!!)



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Our Pepperpot had been broody and not laid for a couple of weeks, normally her eggs are dark brown but her first egg after her rest was quite pale for her, also rather long and thin. Then two normal eggs and then yesterday a huge egg, well the biggest we have had 100.6g, well done Ebony, not surprisingly no egg today :D:D



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White would be weird for a Pepperpot :? What breed and how old is Bunty? Could it have been her first egg? :D


The egg weighed in at 67g though which is the size Daphne's eggs are now (about 10g heavier than Winnie's eggs) - and was laid at about the same time as Daphne normally lays. (Both Daphne and Winnie started laying with tiny little 36g eggs).


Bunty is a gingernut - she does have pale ears though so presumably her eggs will be pale. We got her at the start of June with the cube and the other 2 hens, but she must have been quite a bit younger, although she was more or less the same size as the others at the time. She's still got a small comb and wattle (although bigger than they were and are now red) - and she has started being more interested in food recently. I would say physically she's a little bit smaller than the others, but there's not much in it. Bunty also didn't have a startled look on her face :shock: - which is why I didn't think it was hers! :wink:


I'll see what we get today!



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Hmmmmm, 67g would be quite impressive for a first egg!! What coloured eggs did you get today??

Back to normal colour yesterday - although Daphne's egg was 71g!


My Pepperpot Betty , had 2 weeks off from laying and her eggs were very pale cream and much larger after her rest and are now starting to get darker again everyday although still being larger than before

That's similar to Daphne (re the size) - she had 3 days not laying about 3 weeks ago - before she was laying about 50g eggs - now she's into the 65g+ range!


Aren't chickens fascinating?! :D

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