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Moulting questions

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Is it usual for a chicken to stop laying whilst they moult??


Eliza and Betty have both stopped laying and are now moulting. I got them on the 21st March and they were 15 weeks old, so they're 9 months or so now. I do suspect they have worms and am 3 days into a course of flubenvet, so this may also be part of the problem. Is it normal to moult at about 9 months old?


They do seem happy and healthy still, although Betty's comb is not as red as it used to be, but they don't seem any different otherwise!


Any reassurance that this is normal would be fab!!



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Yes, if they are having a proper moult they may well stop laying for a bit. I have two that have been in a slow moult for ages and they lay very few eggs now. They will also lay less if they have worms so once the Flubenvet and the moult are done, you should find things go back to normal. Changes in comb colour will probably be because they arent laying so it should redden up again when they come back in to lay. :D

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