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Four hens a-laying

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Introducing Amber and the girls, who came to live with me in early August. Two of them have been laying for several weeks. Yesterday I found their first double yolker before I went to work and, after work, a first egg each from the two that hadn't layed previously, so it was quite an exciting day.


I hope that, after seeing the photos , people will understand why only one of them has a name! Amber is the only one I can reliably identify for certain. The other 3 are quite hard to tell apart even if they are standing still, in a line. Which they don't!






I don't let them out til 7am. They are WAY quieter than my old hens and I am being a bit stricter about how many treats I give them. So far so good, as I don't want to have the noise problem I had in early spring with my old hens, who eventually had to move to a lovely place in the Peak District, as I was about to be sent to Coventry by my neighbours! I can still see them when I want, as they live near my parents and I can easily peer over the wall at them in their new home, where they are in a mixed flock of 20, including several gentlemen admirers :wink:


Anway, I love my new girls and wish I'd learnt the 7am rule a little earlier!



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