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A bit of Fun

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:shock: I am positive and optimistic.

8) beleive in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates.

:wink: emotional and naive, care little for details and am a risk taker ... is it not Ascot soon. :?::lol:

4 legs showing .... secure, stubborn and stick to ideals .... errr YES :P

Medium ears ... good listener ... thats the ears I drew, not my dainty little ones on my head. :roll:


Finally ... and this IS news to me .. a long tail ... apparently a good sex life ... errr. WHAT :wink:

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:shock: I am positive and optimistic.

8) beleive in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates.

:wink: emotional and naive, care little for details and am a risk taker ... is it not Ascot soon. :?::lol:

4 legs showing .... secure, stubborn and stick to ideals .... errr YES :P

Medium ears ... good listener ... thats the ears I drew, not my dainty little ones on my head. :roll:


Finally ... and this IS news to me .. a long tail ... apparently a good sex life ... errr. WHAT :wink:


Well fancy that - it's exactly what I got Sarah!!! Everything was exactly the same!!


Good pig, Steve - what was your personality then??

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Toward the middle, you are a realist.

Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.


With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.


With less than 4 legs, they are insecure or are living through a period of major change.


The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.

The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener


The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.

And again more is better! You drew medium sized tail

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Toward the middle, you are a realist.

Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.


With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.


The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.

The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener


The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.

And again more is better! You drew medium sized tail


Well, I had all these the same as Steve but I drew 4 legs showing. Can't remember what that meant. :idea: Pigs have 4 legs!

Mind you, I couldn't decide some of the answers! I had the face forwards but body sideways :shock: or, if I had few details or not, its all relative. Perhaps I had a medium number...pedantic & risktaker sounds more like it! :D:D I wanted to show you my pic but it looked too complicated for me, but I was so pleased with it. 8)

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Well done Steve. It's good fun isn't it ! Looks like you have all the right things in the right place.....big tail and all :shock:


I'm with you sheila, I'd have no clue how to get my pig on here :?:


Still - it revealed only good things - honest :wink:

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