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Omletina Kyckling

Teddy Bears

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I too collect teddy bears. Steiff, Hermann, Merrythought, Charlie. I also like Robin Rive Gollies too, although he has now retired & his daughter makes them.

I also adore bears that people have made, if they have the right face!

I have a load of miniature bear kits and bits of mohair. I must get round to making some.

Love those websites. I always have trouble sewing the limbs, head & ears onto the body. They go squiffy & you can see all stitches. :oops:



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Hi Emma,


Have you thought about trying to do a jointed one and using split pins and hardboard discs - if you look at the Christiebears site you'll see all the joints they do.


If you have to sew them on, try using ladder stitch (the same one you'd use for closing a hole where you've stuffed the bear) - this website shows how to do it...




My bears moved into a different league once I'd mastered ladder stitch as you can never find a closing seam.....

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They are absolutely terrific - I like the brindle bear up the tree. Their little mouths are so smiley.

My hobby is quite expensive too, so like you, I find it very irritating when I see enormous quilts being sold at £35 which means it has been imported at a very low price indeed, using inferior fabric and likely slave labour involved in the production. :(

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