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permeanantly wonky leg? [updated first post]

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i dont know what to do we just got very young bantams and one is limping. i cant remember if it was when we first got it out its walking around but its limping and when i pick it up it will dangle the leg to the side though it will clutch my finger or a perch with its foot if it has to. i felt along it it doesnt flinch or act like its in pain its just limping ARGH!!

please please PLEASE tell me that it will be okay, we just got her today and my dad will not pay for her to go to the vets the day after we got her :((!!



its been 2 days and im now thinking that she might just have a wonky leg :( theres no pain, ive felt up and down it. she hsnt got scaley legs or bumblefoot. ill try putting a video or something up so you can see what im talking about, but she drags her leg behind her and sometimes she stands with her foot sightly behind the other one. she will stand happily and walk around (though she limps heavily).


im not going to take her back as they will probably dispatch her as she has no use to anyone with a dodgy leg. i dont want to have to deal with the hassle either though! she wont be allowed to free range with the girls if she cant run away from predators (i.e. the cats)


i dont know what to do!!

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Im sorry to hear that your chookie is limping esp as she is so new. :(


It could be that she hurt her leg when she was travelling to your house with the other chickens. :?


If she is still limping tomorrow i would bathe her leg in warm water, dry it well and pop her back in with the others.

A warm bath usually eases our aches and pains so hopefully it will help your chookies leg too.


Keep us posted and let us know how she gets on :D

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today shes still limping heavily and she keeps slipping and tripping. she keeps sticking her leg out to the side like its useless and tripping over it when she walks around, although she stands happily on it. shes still eating and drinking ok so im hoping its just a sprain.


and another little issue is that im not sure if their vaccinated or not so we will have to take them to the vets anyway so ill ask them about the leg.

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