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Guest Ginette

ooffoo - a new 'community' website

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I received an email from the Natural Collection today about a new website they are launching. It is not yet public but they want people like me - and my friends (you!) - to try it out and presumably build up a small community before going live. The website is about sharing ideas, resources, equipment, tips, green thinking etc. Below is the content of the email together with a link to the website and the code you need to get in.


Join A Positive Community

We've spent the best part of the last couple of years planning this exciting new facility. We believe that this is the perfect time for all of us to come together and participate in a positive dynamic community of like minded people who wish to share, co-operate, discuss, network, recycle, swap, trade or just explore what others are saying or doing.


We have named the site ooffoo (which takes its name from the html internet code for the colour 'green') and we love it because it’s catchy and easy to remember. We would just love you to be part of ooffoo. So please join us as a pioneer on this project!

We Need Your Help

We have already received some extraordinary and wonderful contributions to ooffoo but it has only just been born. It has not gone live to the public yet so there won't be much there to start with. That's why we are asking for your help. We have sent this e-mail only to a handful of people to ask you to help us by coming and using ooffoo and letting us know what you think.

Please Try ooffoo Out And Give Us Your Feedback!

We think it’s really easy! So please…

swap, sell second hand goods, give away and recycle something you don’t need

post an article or a recipe

write a poem

share an eco tip

advertise your services or business (it's free for individuals and sole traders under the VAT threshold)

sell your own creations and crafts free of commission or charges

tell us about relevant local events

start a discussion

let us know about something that really inspires, a good story or book, a piece of music, an artist

support local, recommend repair shops or organic B & B's you’ve discovered

ask for advice from others.

Help Us Spread The Word

Please ask your friends and family to also try ooffoo. You can just forward them this email and let them know ooffoo is for them too. We need to get as many people as possible to know about our community for this idea to work.


So go on…ooffoo something today!


With our deepest thanks.


Julian and Jo and the Natural Collection Team





Read on for more information and a private link and password through to the locked website.

Getting Access

Visit the link below, using 'ooffooinvite' as the beta login password where it says ‘Let Me In’ and then just use the site as normal.




I haven't really browsed very much yet, but perhaps anyone who is interested could report back here with their impressions?

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Hi - I tried to browse but got the impression it is not quite up and running yet. They have put me on a mailing list for when it is so I will report back then. By coincidence I had just placed an order with the Natural Collection and was very impressed with their extremely speedy delivery as well as the quality and variety of their products. Let's hope their new venture is as good.

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I haven't been too enthralled with it yet, but you are right that it is not up and running yet. I think they wanted to get a few people involved before they go live so that something is actually happening.

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