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Chickens and cat food

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Our Priscilla is very sneaky and if you leave the back door open a tiny bit she is in the door and gobbles up as much of the cat's food as she can before she gets spotted. Is this bad for her or does anyone else give their girls cat food? I was told not to give them any meat which is fine as we are all veggie but I forgot about the cat. I would appreciate others thoughts, thanks



Rosie GNR and Priscilla PP

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i am asking a similar question about moulting where extra protein is good for them. I beleive it shouldnt be encouraged to feed meat as they are ca"Ooops, word censored!"alistic ??


Im Sure someone will come back to you soon with real advice.


Dave & Jo

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I understand organic cat food is good for chooks when they are moulting, but I

cant find any which states organic. Egluntine says Waitrose sells whiskas in pouches

that is organic and Waitrose sells it but I couldn`t find it and I work there!!!!!!




I buy organic cat food kibble from Waitrose, it is called Pero in an orange and white bag but it is a dry food so may be not any use to you.



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Defra don't approve of meat or anything cooked in the kitchen for that matter, being given to the hens.


I give mine tuna and organic cat food when they are moulting. I haven't noticed any signs of cannibalism in them, an really don't see a great deal of difference between a bit of cat food and a helping of earthworms or slugs to be honest. It will at least be hygienic. :D

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Hi everyone, thanks for the replies - I'm glad I shouldn't be worrying. My daughter calls her cheeky beaky and she really is. In fact, she snuck in today to look for the cat's bowl when I had just finished mopping the floor and left black triangle foot prints all over my clean floor...........lucky for her we are veggie!

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