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jill the potter

who laid that?

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Hi, I'm new on here, and not quite sure what to do with all the gizmos on the left hand side of the screen, anyway here goes


Had my 'girls' for nearly six weeks, (one gingernut - Korma GNR and one Mrs P PP - Tikka) in a (green eglu) Starting getting one egg a day !egg! - fairly small - three weeks ago and assuming they are from Korma as she does the squatting thingy when you go near her. Tikka shows no signs of this so don't think she's laying any of them, but how do you know? Then, this morning there was a HUGE egg!! almost twice the size! so am now wondering whether this is Tikka's first effort or one of Korma's!! Do chickens co-ordinate their laying, and if you're only getting one egg a day how do you know who laid it?


Also does anyone else's chickens prefer to drink dirty rainwater than their nice clean water in the run? They love to drink water from an old pot with soil and rainwater in it. I figure so long as they're drinking it's ok.

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Hi Jill I've popped you in to chickens so everyone can read your chicken related questions.


They love puddles, :roll: even when you give them their lovely fresh water, my cats are like that too. :lol:


As for eggs, colour is the usual way to tell your hens eggs, unless they all look the same. :wink: I have one hen who lays a destinct 'shiny' egg and know it's hers and one that always has a point. You can tell some as you get to know them. The large egg could be a double yolker or a glitch in the production as this isn't unusual.


As it's autumn the laying may be slow or stop as it's short days. Sometimes a pullet doesn't come into lay until spring now.


Hope this helps


Buffie x :D

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Thank's for that.


One of my cats also loves dirty water - thre greener the better!!!!


With regard to the eggs, come to think of it some of them have had some speckeling on and some not - so maybe they are both laying - just taking it in turns, as there's only ever one!!


Also, any tips on how to catch a really nervous chicken? Korma is easy to catch as she crouches down, but Tikka is sooooo nervous she's only just taking treats from my hand and is so jittery that I've not managed to pick her up yet (which is essential I think if I need to check her over)


Tried getting her from the opening at the side of the eglu but she just flew out!!!! we were both scared then!!!!

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Muddy puddles and rain drops on the run bars are what my chooks prefer....????


Catching your Miss Pepperpot will be easier once she too starts to crouch. However, I have the same and out of my 4 chooks, my Miss Pepperpot is the most "nervy" one, so I think it is a Pepperpot kind of thing.

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Back to a small egg this morning. Thi nk the super dooper large egg yesterday was a flook!!! Suppose I'll only know if they're both laying when I get 2 eggs on the same day!!


Must weigh the large one as we bought some free range large eggs yesterday and Korma's was much bigger - must be a double yolker!


Watch this space!!!

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