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Problem with Glug

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Took delivery of 4 POL chickens four days ago. They haven't got the hang of the Glug nipple water dispenser yet. After one day I placed a bowl in the run and they drank heartily. Should I keep trying with the Glug and have it as the only source of water to encourage them to use it :?:


Apart from that minor problem they have been a delight and I'm sure I'll become totally converted to keeping chickens :D

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There have been lots of hints and tips on here about how to get your hens to use the glug, so hopefully someone will be along very soon to pass these on :D .


I had to give in with my ex-batts and use the standard bell drinkers as they never managed to get the hang of it, but then I'm not sure they were at the front of the queue when intelligence was being handed out (probably off somewhere else looking for grapes :lol: )

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Hi Spadge,


Here's what worked for us. We got our chooks on the 16th sept about 1 o'clock in the afternoon from omlet. So they were probably hungry and thirsty after being in the van all morning which probably helped. After filling the grub they dived straight in but on filling the glug didn't have a clue. So I got a stick and pressed it up agianst the nipples a few times so as water came out. Initially they tried to drink the water off of the stick but after a few attempts one of them cottoned on and then the rest followed. They have been drinking from the glug ever since. so i'd remove all other sources of water give it an hour or so and then give it a try. Hope this helps.


regards Ian

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Of my 4 girls, only 2 will use the superglug and grub occasionally - 2 won't touch it at all, and all 4 clearly favour the traditional fountain type drinkers and hanging feeders I've put in for them. It's a shame, I like the modern look of the glugs and grubs, but I don't find them popular with my girlies at all.

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We have an Omlet Cube and initially all 4 of our Omlet chickens used the Glug , they were so 'henthusiastic' it often sounded like we had a typing pool tapping away in the garden.


One day we noticed one of the Gingers sat on the Glug gulping the water from the opening at the top (we'd been wondering why the water was getting dirty and muddy prints were appearing on the drinker :roll: ).


Now we give them a choice of Glug or drinking bowl to help themselves from. A couple of the chooks even like drinking from the flow of water from the watering can we use to fill up the drinkers.


I'm waiting to see how the frosty mornings react with the Glug, as it might be easier to tip out the ice from the drinking bowl and refresh that, then let the Glug thaw out during the day.


I suppose I could take the Glug into the shed overnight to stop it from freezing, but does anyone else find the Super Glug too heavy to lift from the inside of the run when it still has an amount of water left in it ?





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