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Help please, bleeding vent after first egg!

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Minnie my youngest chook has a swollen and bleeding vent. She laid her first egg today, which was a whopping 57 grams which seems worryingly large for a first egg.


I've been reading on the forum about prolapses - but as far as I can tell there's nothing sticking out of her vent, but it just looks swollen. Can anyone describe what a prolapse looks like?


I've bathed her back end and she's back in with the others now sleeping - but I know I'll need to keep her separate from them in the morning until I can find some gentian violet spray...


I would be really grateful for any advice.






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I'd check it first thing and see if the swelling has gone down.


If it hasn't, I'd separate her from the others for a while.


It might be a good idea to reduce her pellet intake and give her lots of less nutritious food for a few days to discourage egg laying and let her innards settle a bit.


Arnica pilules from Holland and Barret might help to reduce any bruising .

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My Sporty laid a huge egg one day and was not herself. She had bled and I panicked, especially when I saw that her backside was hugely swollen. I took her straight to the vet who told me that it was probably just due to the huge egg and that she would be back to normal in no time.


Just keep an eye on her. Separate her as Egluntine suggested.


Hope she is back to normal soon.

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Well, Minnie seemed to be doing ok and the bleeding had stopped, but this morning I found her in the next box with her back end covered in blood again, and blood dripping out :cry: Must admit I completely went to pieces as it was so upsetting to see her like that, and I feel responsible. I've just bathed her again, and made an appointment at the vets. I am so worried about her as she really is such a little character and I don't want to lose her.




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Thanks Egluntine - I'll give this a try.


The vet said her vent has been torn, and is now infected - she's had an antibiotic jab and I've some cream to apply twice a day. If she's not improved by Monday then it doesn't look good for her - but I'm determined to do everything I can for her. I have to bath her twice a day before applying the cream, so I'm going to be busy. Fingers crossed, :pray:

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