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Worried they`re not eating enough!

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My two chickens, one gingernut and one pepperpot, about 8 months old, don`t seem to be eating enough.

I`ve weighed the grub before I put it out and when I get it in at night and they only seem to be eating about 80 to 100 grams of pellets BETWEEN them each day.

They stay in their run with only pellets to eat for all morning and free range for 2 or 3 hours in the afternoon. About half an hour before roost time I give them about 80g of mixed oats and bokashi bran with some sunflower hearts which they eat up avidly.

They are lively and curious and are both laying every day.

What do you think?

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Have you picked your girls up recently and if so do they feel under weight? I think that they will eat what they need and no more so if there is plenty for them you shouldn't have any need for worry particularly if they are laying and appear healthy. Maybe they save a bit of room if they know they are going to get a few extras in the afternoon from you?

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i would imagine they are leaving the pellets, as the oats and sunflower seeds are filling them...or at least they like them more !!


thats what I think mine were doing...waiting for corn...


so I stopped it, and just give them layers pellets (and grit)


Edited to say.,.,..the oats will probably be welcomed as a slow release food in the winter..and so will help them in the colder days and nights to come..


So I may need to re-introduce something after all..

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I would cut out all treats and keep them on just the pellets for a day or two.


Oats don't have much in the way of nutritional value and sunflower hearts, although they love them , should only be given as an occasional treat as they are too fatty.


They will soon get the hang of eating the pellets if there is nothing else on offer. :D

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