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What kind did you get - is it one of the giant ones? They're very 8) !


They are very easy to look after - keep them damp by misting them every day and make sure they have a bed of compost to walk about on, bark to hide under and a supply of fruit and veg for food. They will prefer to be reasonably warm, normal room temperature is fine as if they get too cool their metabolism will slow down and they get very sluggish and won't do anything much! In winter a heat pad like the kind used give bottom heat for plants or a soil cable buried in their compost, just to take the chill off them, will help. If you decide to put them on a heat pad be careful they don't get too dry.


Most of all be careful when handling them - they grip quite tightly with their little legs and you have to sort of peel them off gently from the head end, so as not to hurt them. Also if dropped their hard exoskeleton can crack and split so be gentle. Having said that a friend dropped hers and he split one of his segments. She mended him with superglue and he was fine!

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