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Can you make a hen broody ?

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I have been thinking about hatching this year (summer time) and incys seem awfull dear and we will prob just do it once. So I was hoping for one of the girls to become broody - is there any way to encourage this? Or am I just being daft and hens will do what they feel like, when they feel like doing it.



S :doh:

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If you have hybirds then it's unlikely that they will brood, some do but most have had it bred out of them.


The technique is to wait until the weather is warmer, then take her rations off pellets and onto wheat, pop some pot eggs (china) in the nest, darken the nest area and hope.... it's very hit and miss and I prefer to wait until one of mine broods naturally, which being pure breeds, they always do.


I am sure that you have considered this, but please plan ahead and allow for any cockerels that will inevitably hatch. There's an excellent sticky in the FAQ section about hatching, and we like to encourage responsible and considered hatching.

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I am still at the planning stage - and know where the cockereals are going, and know where I am getting my eggs from - just waiting till the right time - after Easter hols or maybe when the kids go back to school in August. don't know yet - I'm the type of person who likes to think out all the problems before they happen and work out solutions too.



I have a mix of ex batts and non hybrids a light sussex and 2 lavendar aracuanas - it is the blue egg layers I want to hatch (maybe cream legbars) loads of stuff still to think about.


so don't worry there will be no irresponsible hatching around here - :D

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