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Patricia W

Somerone is laying again!

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Teddie stopped laying at the end of December when the really cold weather set in. Phillipa has never laid. BUT someone is laying and I don't think it's Phillip, the cockeral.


I just found an egg - but not in the nest box. This one was in the garden, in a corner they like to sun themselves in. I wonder if this is the first - or are there more?? And when was it laid?? And who laid it??


I'll let you know when I know..



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well, the mystery is solved. It's Phillipa, who must have started laying a week ago. It took some detective work to find the eggs though. They free range all day so on Saturday we kept watch, and confined them to just part of the garden ( which is a wilderness, thanks to the builders). There was some VERY loud bok-bok boking by all three. We looked around where the noise was coming from - but nothing. It took till Sunday to find the most beautiful nest (a proper bird's nest!) in some dense undergrowth- with 2 eggs!! Still not found the others she probably laid last week. So the egg hunt goes on .......



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