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Yellow poo photo, please help

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Im no expert on poo's im afraid as they can all vary so much. It is normal for runny poos when your girls are settling in and in new surroundings. This thread with photos may help




Sometimes constant yellow poo's can be a sign of illness also (I dont want to alarm you) so keep a close eye on her, are the poos like this all of the time?

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Oh my gosh this is really spooky as was exactly what I was just posting.


My chickens came on thursday and I am getting what I can only describe as yellow, frothy, foamy pooh - EXACTLY the same as your photo.


I think they are coming form one of the GNR as nearly got poohed on by the PP and it wasnt like the yellow pooh but was more solid.


I dont know if its every pooh like that or just the odd ones as the pooh picking I have been doing is a lot of large, hard, solid poohs.


Sorry this is so graphic :oops: .


I am worried too but suppose as they are new here I will have to give it some time then maybe get them all checked by a poultry vet (now where would I find one of those!?).


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We had (have) foamy yellow poos from our hens around every 10 (in the last couple of weeks it seems more like every 20) or more poos each. If it was constant I'd worry. But it's just a clearing out poo and nothing to worry about unless its REALLY frequent, like every poo or every other poo.


We couldn't really tell who was doing what poo and I guess we are lucky in that respect of having only two hens. But the overnight poos in the eglu were all normal. They tended to curry poo in the day.


If you are concerned though, I'd seek a vet, hopefully someone more experienced will be along soon.

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They are often a bit squittery when they first arrive, especially if your run is on grass, as they haven't had much access to it before hand.


Keep them on just pellets and fresh water....no extra treats, for a day ot two and it should settle.


Every 10th poo is a caecal clear out, is usually like chip shop curry sauce and stinks to high heaven, but is perfectly normal.

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Wow, I came looking on here in a panic because I have been getting exactly this type of poo from mine (I have four and I've not actually caught any of them in the act so have no idea who was producing what!!). However, you have all eased my mind and I am happy that it's hopefully because I have four that I am seeing so many rather than them all being from one of my girls. I will endeavour to keep an eye out the next time I am at home all day to make doubly sure its not just coming from one of them though. Thank you everyone. These forum's are sooooo helpful to us beginners, thank you so much. :clap:



GNR Goldie

GNR Rhoda

PP Pearl

PP CouCou

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