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Double Yolk-er

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Yesterday one of my girls laid a rather large egg, about 85g (still smaller than Mollys ginormous 89g ones though). I didnt think anything of it, other than perhaps she was trying to beat Molly. However, I wanted to make pancake batter today, grabbed an egg, cracked it on the bowl and was astonished to see it was a double yolk egg :D


I then spent about 10 minutes trying to work out if I could get it out of the flour and fry it :roll: Decided it wasn't going to work so made the pancake batter as intended, just a bit richer than usual :lol:

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No pics? :cry:


Well done that CHOOK!


How are the intros going? I see you are down to just one Eglu and cube now.



I have got a pic, just not had time to upload them yet...


As for intros, its ok, but, a couple of my PP are picking on Storm and Charlotte. I did isolate two of them whilst we still had the (green eglu) but I was watching today and they seem to be back to their mean ways. Ukadex is next, and then bumper bits after that *shrugs*.


However the two new girls are doing grand, they let me pick them up easily and they do free range with the others, only a few skirmishes as I would expect. :D Thanks for asking :D

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