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Jane and Martin

New chooks not laying in Eglu!

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We have had the new chooks - Cream Legbars for just over 5 weeks now. We realised one had started to lay after they went on their hols to my parents who kept them in the run more than we do and she laid an egg in the run. She then kept escaping next door to lay in their border (Mum and Dad had a traumatic week). I came home and checked our garden where they free range all day and found two eggs secreted away which she had obviouslylaid before going to my parents. On their return from hols she has returned to laying in the same spot in our garden. Is there anything I can do to encourage her to use the Eglu? I don't mind her laying in the garden but if she changes where she lays I'll struggle to keep track. :?

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I think that if they are laying in strange places then the best bet is to keep them in the run till they have laid, and to put a golf ball in the nestbox, so they see it, and take the hint!


I had a similar problem, only didnlt realise it till I sold my kennel, and found about a dozen eggs in it!

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