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Mrs Frugal


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I could nip along to the Krispy Kreme doughnut shop and post you a few Lesley, just to complete the Anglo-American junk food theme for you :shock:

It sounds like a trial :? How much longer are they staying?

But on a positive note it must be good to catch up with family, I think it's probably the prolonged & intensive exposure that's difficult.

Good luck, look forward to seeing you on the forum again soon :)

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:shock::shock::lol: I could try but someone has taken over my chair and remote controls for the TV and Sky :( and my newspapers :evil:


It is good to catch up though.


Pleeease don't send any Krispy Kremes - the Mr Kipling cakes were enough thank you :?


They're also not impressed with my home-made cleaning products. I told them that the book I use was written by an American woman.


Kate - I need something to get rid of the smell of dead mouse under the floorboards :?:cry::oops:

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:shock: Inconsiderate mouse when you have visitors! It should decompose quite quickly :?

Or, I could send my builders round to firstly break your gas flue. Then, to leave tarpaulin over it so that all you can smell is gas fumes! Bit unsafe though as I tried to explain. :roll::twisted:

Or, I could cook something & leave it in the oven...the smell lasts ages & camouflages dead mouse I should think.

Good thing you have lavender wands. Make them into necklaces for your guests! :wink:

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:shock: Inconsiderate mouse when you have visitors! It should decompose quite quickly :?

Or, I could send my builders round to firstly break your gas flue. Then, to leave tarpaulin over it so that all you can smell is gas fumes! Bit unsafe though as I tried to explain. :roll::twisted:

Or, I could cook something & leave it in the oven...the smell lasts ages & camouflages dead mouse I should think.

Good thing you have lavender wands. Make them into necklaces for your guests! :wink:



Not happy with your builders then Sheila?!?! :wink:

What about cooking fish - that should cover the smell!!! (especially if you leave it in the oven!!! :wink: )

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They all smell so wonderful and you could even have a quick swig of the window cleaner on a hot day outside - not many cleaners you could say that about! ...


Reminds me of the RAFG (RAF Germany) habit of putting vodka in the screenwash of your car. The Vodka was cheaper than screenwash in on-camp RAF Shops, and it works wonderfully well!

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Gina, you're a star - a big green shiny one! Glad you liked the recipes. I made some fresh ones the other day - I like to do a batch of all of them at once and the house smelt so lovely - grapefruit bathroom cleaner, lavender and tea tree toilet cleaner, lemon barkeepers friend scrub and lavender and lemon antiseptic spray - yum!

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I've left my newly made cleaning products strategically placed in the kitchen, hoping while I am at work, Darren will pick them up and use them! He's on his summer hols from teaching, and I just know he will be sat in the garden with the chooks doing a SuDoko (our chooks are ever so clever you know :wink: )


They just don't see mess do they :roll:

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I ran out of my usual fabric conditioner over the weekend, and only realised when I went to put a load on last night. Anyway, when I stopped berating myself I remembered the vinegar for conditioner tip. I was a little dubious I have to say, but figured that it was either that or nothing, and I did want to get my washing done, so I went for it. Pegged the washing (towels mainly) out before work this morning, and just brought them in now. I have to say I'm quite pleased, no smell, not vinegar, nor synthetic fabric conditioner smells, just clean, and no more or less fluffy and soft than usual. So I'm quite satisfied, seems as effective as Lenor etc, not smelly, which I like, and a lot cheaper. I did line dry though, don't know if that makes a diffeence, but I always prefer line dried washing anyway. Thanks for the tip Kate :wink:

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Kate - I've tried getting hold of Inovia (?) over the last couple of days to order a catalogue for essential oils, but the number goes through to an architect who has no idea what I'm talking about. Is the company still there or have they moved?


I've tried to check the number with BT but they don't have a listing...


Any ideas???

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Oh boy,

I have just found this topic,I have to say I was amazed, I thought I was one of very few people who have things like ecover products and bottles of vinigar in the cupboard and I also hate 'fake' products. I will be trying some of the recipies thanks Kate.And please feel free to visit the girls when you are doing your bargain shopping in Springfeilds.

I didn't realise that chicken people were so similar.I suddenly don't feel so odd any more. :D:D

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