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Nest box - roll away egg thing

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One of our chickens keeps kicking the other chicken's egg out. Its become a routine now, hot egg in box & cold, muddy(sometimes chipped) egg in tray, and another egg in the box in the afternoon.

We want to stop the egg being kicked into the tray from being kicked into hte tray and I'm sure I've heard of nest boxes where the egg rolls away or something similar...

I've searched but can't find it so I thought I'd ask

Where can I buy one or how can I make one?

Thanks :D

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You're almost there already !! Just google 'Rollaway nest box' and there are complete metal ones or plastic ones to insert into an existing nest box. Assuming, of course, that you don't need it to fit into the Eglu.

They're usually available on E-bay as well.




(Have just phoned a friend and am told that he got his plastic inserts from Wells Poultry Equipment. They seem to work very well and are relatively cheep . . .)

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Hi Splodge,


Eek. No. Can't think of anything. Seems so little room. Maybe you could cut down one of the plastic ones to about half its usual height, and point the rollaway bit towards the back of the Eglu. Then you'd need to make some sort of cover for the rollaway bit to stop unauthorised access.

You'd probably need to bolt it down to stop it turning over when the ladies climbed in and out ; which might be possible using the existing drain hole.

Has to be an easier answer ; maybe when I've eaten, my brain will work better !!


Good Luck.



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We bought a couple from Solway (I think - it's a time ago now) - we have to place it by the Eglu in the morning and close the door so that all the hens have to lay in the rollaway. When I collect the eggs in the afternoon I have to remember to open the door ready for bedtime.


We have one egg-eater at the moment :( so I'll have to start using one again.

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