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Ex Batt bullying

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daphne and margo have just come back into lay this week and have really feathered up, flo still looks scrawny and bald, she is now being bullied. the others wont let her ou of the hous3e, we have plenty opf food stations but they wont let her comeout at all.

I have let the other 2 out to free range for a bit and pur flo some porridge in the run so she can have a bit of peace but i have no idea what to do from here in. They are not pecking her and there is no blood or anything, they are just not letting her come out.

What would you do?

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Can you try and block off part of the run for her? How long has this been going on for? has it only started today? I have a problem with one of my ex batts picking on the other two it got to a point when I rang the BHWT and asked their advice, they said try hanging things in the run to occupy them so the bullied ones get a break or section off the run, for them, I did this before with my pekins when they were sorting out the pecking order, I used garden cane sticks to put through the run and it worked but its not ideal. There is a helpline for the ex batts you could try ringing them.


Sorry I am not much help, there will be someone who will come along with better advice in a mo no doubt :)

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hi, thanks for the reply, I havent really got anything to split the run up with, I have let them all out again and it seems a bit better but they are going to have to be out unsupervised as I am very ill and need to go to bed. this has only started happening in the last couple of days so I am worried that the others sense something is wrong with flo. I hope not but I have an awful feeling about this.

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thanks :) I'm getting there, good old antibiotics.

been in bed for 3 days, missing my kids, they have been at my mums.

The ex batts have been out free ranging all afternoon, when I went back out flo was still in the eglu, I shut the other 2 in a cat basket for a bit but she still wouldnt come out, I have given her food in there, and let the others out again, she doesnt seem t be eating it. I am getting really worried now.

Looking at her although she has grown some feathers she doeasnt look that different the others like more like proper hens already.

Not really sure what to do now, may think about having her in the house tonight in the cat basket, would that be OK or weird?

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That would be OK (not wierd at all), and it would solve the immediate problem, but I wonder how and when you would re-introduce her?

Sorry to hear you are having this difficulty, I'm sure it's the last thing you need. Nothing's straightforward, is it?

Hope you feel better soon. :wink:

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Hi EB sorry to hear about the problems. Was going to suggest what poached has suggested really. One of my 2 spent days in the eglu but it stopped as soon as it started. As long as she eats and drinks she will setlle down adn get bolder but I understand why you are worried. If I were you I would bring her in overnight to get her to drink and eat and then try either to separate them with canes or put her with one at a time till they all calm down. Hope youa re feeling better :)

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