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poorly duck

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One of my call ducks is now and then a bit poorly.She dose not move much and dose not seem her lively self.Ive just washed there floor and found her sleeping with the hens and when she did come out for a drink a soft egg fell from her.I thought at one point she could be broody l have in the past brought her indoors and in the morning shes quacking to get out back with the others.Your thoughts would be great ? :wink:

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You'll need to keep an eye on her if she's laying soft eggs - you can get stuff to add to their water or feed to help make strong shells, that may help. We've used Shellstim in the past for hens laying soft eggs.


Do you have a book on Ducks which may help if she appears to have more long term problems? - or have a read on the Practical Poultry forum to see what others have done.


Are they moulting? - ours are at the moment and sometimes look a bit sorry for themselves.

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