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Runner duck & GRUB & SUPERGLUG

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My new runner duck is 6 months old. We;ve had him 6 days, so I assume he's eating :? although I've never seen him doing it. He's in with the chickens and they have 2 grubs and a superglug. Will he use these, or do I need to provide another food bowl? If I put a dog bowl in with ome food, then the chickens will all eat out of this too :roll: and the grubs will go unused!!

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Hello he sounds lovely by the way.Right ive got calls runners and chickens together and there is dog bowl in there as well as grubs and they all get used all the time l would provide him with some drinking water in a tub as well as he will love getting his face wet.

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He may be able to eat out of the Grub but would be happier with a shallow bowl as ducks don't peck their food up, they scoop it with their bills. They have to have pellets, not mash as mash will clog their nostrils.


If you make sure that the dish is full and he's not being chased away from it by the hens then he should be OK. As Tara says, you must make sure he has water for swimming in and clean water to drink/dunk his head as well. Ducks can get eye infections if they don't have clean water to dunk their heads.

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Thanks for that. He has a shallow trug full of water, which he dunks his head in. The chickens love drinking this water too! :roll: Just sorted him a bath out today. I tried him in a paddling pool on friday, and he couldn't get out quick enough!! :roll::roll::roll:

Thanks for the advice. Will put an extra bowl out now x

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