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Calling all hatching egg experts

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Getting in the frame of mind for better weather and hopefully my speckledy Gemma getting broody again (which she did last year several times :? )


Any good tips anyone can add to the following/ advice.


I have an additional eglu now to move her to when the urge strikes her :D

PP have given me some hints like -


- Move her at night into spare accomodation once she is broody.

- Put her on eggs that I don't want to hatch for a couple of days to see if she sticks at it.

- Leave her to her own devices, she will eat when she wants to etc., i.e. don't have to lift her out daily - although I might do this if she doesn't leave the nest at all.

- Aubiose will be alright to use in nest area, pile up high at sides so that the eggs are not allowed to roll away and cool down, possibly use a tea towel over aubiose ?

- Leave eggs for 12 - 24 hours before placing under broody.


I was going to take the roosting bars out when chicks are due (hoping that Gemma sits for entire 21 days or so and that eggs manage to hatch) and fill with aubiose.


Any advice specific to using eglus as a broody house, or any other useful advice about hatching eggs. No posts about possible 50% or higher cockerels please, I am aware of this and dh or I will deal with as necessary, be it a new home or table :? Sorry if this offends anyone.



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You have already done a lot of homework!


I have never hatched eggs but if it was me I might take the roosting bars out at the beginning, if the hen is broody she won't be using them and also filling the tray up with Aubiose might reduce the chances of a cooling egg/broken egg?


Hopefully someone will be able to help more


Best of luck :D

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You have already done a lot of homework!


I have never hatched eggs but if it was me I might take the roosting bars out at the beginning, if the hen is broody she won't be using them and also filling the tray up with Aubiose might reduce the chances of a cooling egg/broken egg?


Hopefully someone will be able to help more


Best of luck :D


Did wonder about that - the roosting bars bit. Might try as she won't move a lot as you say once she gets into it :D

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