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Is Justin Timberlake brushing his teeth?

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There is a new record out in the hit parade by Justin Timberlake and TI (some rapper I haven't heard of). It's called Dead and Gone, and it's an anti-violence gangsta sort of number. Which isn't very interesting.


But what is interesting is a sampled noise in the background. It runs through the whole song and sounds like someone brushing their teeth.


I am wondering if it's JT brushing his teeth. And how someone gets the idea to use a toothbrushing sample in a rap record.


It really sounds like someone brushing their teeth, or maybe Rolf Harris' wobbleboard.


What do you think?

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I will listen and let u know. Also on silly things in songs Ne-yo I think his name is - sings a catchy number and my seven yr old son and I think its "i dont wanna go to bed atchoo" so we sing that. we call it the "sneezing song" :D:shock:


hehe he doesnt want to go to bed 'man at you'!

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