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Tiny bald bits under ears. Can anyone suggest why?

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I've noticed my bluebelle and fenning black each have a small bald patch beneath their left ears on their necks. The patch is about 7.5mm by 3mm in size - maybe a bit smaller.


There are no signs of blood or soreness or redness on the bald skin.


I've noticed no pecking or bullying. The fenning black is top of the flock and the bluebelle is third at the moment.


They are eating and drinking and moving about and bok-boking chirpily.


They were 16 weeks old when I got them at the end of August.


I have four hens in total and they are laying four eggs most days. The eggs are fine.


They get layers pellets mixed with a big handful of bokashi and water with cider vinegar daily and cabbage or salad greens every 2-3 days. They have enough grit too.


I can't see any mites in the coop (I use poultry shield throughout with each clean), the run is clean and they were flubenvetted in late November/early December. I can't see any lice or anything on them.


They have not had a moult yet and I can't see any evidence of a moult. The bald area is tiny and in a short feather area.


Any idea what this is about?

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