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Hi everyone,


Can anyone tell me if it is normal for chickens not to eat much in the first few days of arrival??

I am feeding them layered pellets and corn mixed together and they dont seem to be eating it! When I go out to talk to them they come straight to me as if I am going to feed them? Does anyone have any advice? I have only had them 3 days




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yes it is normal Janet. They will still be settling into their new surroundings and taking it all in. They are probably still a little wary of everything. Before they are laying they dont really seem to eat much at all, once they start to lay you will see a huge difference - they become much more active and eat everything in sight! :wink:

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It's the same stuff as the pellets, except it hasn't been formed into the pellets...if you see what I mean!


They may not be used to your brand of pellets, or may have only had mash before...don't fret, if they are hungry they will eat it!


Mine have pellets always available in their grubs and I give them a bowl of mash made into "porridge" in the morning, and another bowl in the evening with a handful of corn mixed in. Sometimes they get some sweetcorn or sultanas or some leftover veggies or fruit in the afternoon, depends what we have available & the dogs haven't got to first! They also love a bit of couscous, pasta or rice occasionally.


Sha x

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They eat barely anything till they come into lay and then their appetites increase massively.


Probably best not to mix their pellets with corn, as they will learn to pick out the corn in preference and it is not particularly nutritious, is fattening, and is slow to digest, so will crowd out the better stuff.


Save it for the evenings, when you can lure them into the run with a tiny handful. :D

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