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What a Day!

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Hi! Posted a quick message a while back to say hello when I was looking into buying an Eglu.

Well, today I collected (green eglu) which i was lucky to get from ebay and have also been and picked up 3 beautiful girls who are now all safely tucked up for the night!! :dance:


I have got a Magpie PP , a Silver Link (white chicken) and a Black Tail GNR and have already spent hours just sitting watching them!! They seem to have settled down well together (...so far anyway!)


Many thanks for all your posts :clap: . I have spent ages reading through lots of info on the forum and not only found my Eglu via the Ebay link but have picked up so much information from you all. I know I will have lots of questions but right now am just so excited and wanted to share my news!!! :D



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