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I am thinking of puppy walking

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This is somethng we have been thinking of doing for a while now. I don't know if we would be suitable though. We have 3 children (15, 8, 4) 3 chooks and 2 cats. I have not owned a dog before but when I lived with my Dad for 3 years as a teenager we always had dogs there.


I feel I am at a point now where I can commit the time and energy a pup would need.


One thing I was wondering is that I know you can take guide dog pups into shops and things where you cannot take normal doggies. However the main walks I do every day is the school run. I was wondering if anyone had any experience of taking guide dog pups onto school property. Dogs aren't allowed on the school grounds but I was wondering if that doesn't include GDs. I guess I will have to speak to the head of the school. The school runs are the two main times I can guarantee that the dog would get a walk in the week, also it would be good for socialisation and getting them used to noisy places.


Anyway any hints and tips would be gratefully recieved.


Thank you

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Hi Yolky,


Most - but not all - schools will allow GD pups on the campus but you would have to ask your school how they feel about it. I know of only one school in my area who point blank refused to allow it :roll::roll:


Mine have been in to several of my local schools, private and state. The earlier pups to my son's school and the later ones to schools I taught in two mornings a week. I got excellent behaviour from the children (and the pups) as the children knew they could stroke the pup if they behaved well during the lesson. :clap: I also go into playgroups, and brownie packs to talk about Puppy Walking.


Most places are very accommodating and friendly and positively encourage the PW and pup into their establishment. There are no health and safety issues with GD pups, it is just preferences. I occasionally get 'Elf and safety' thrown at me as an excuse but I just patiently point out that this is not an issue and if the establishment doesn't want my pup in that's fine but please just say so, don't use H & S as an excuse adding that I hope they are aware that they would have to let a trained GD in. :roll:


Good luck if you do decide to go ahead - and of course keep us posted.


Feel free to pm if you want any more info, I am on pup 5, soon to be pup 6.


Where are you? anywhere near me for a visit and chat :?:

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Thanks for your reply Maggie. I am in Bristol so sadly too far to come for a chat, I would have really liked that though and to have met your pup (who looks absolutely gorgeous, by the way).


I think I shall just have to pop in and have a quick word with the head. I am hoping it will be ok. It would be a shame if they said no as it is a good walk, lots of traffic about for pup to get used to, a supermarket on the way, other small shops and a library so plenty of different places to be able to take him to often. Also the school run takes about 45mins/an hour (what with a bit of waiting about at the school for the kids to get organised) and I wouldn't want to have to leave the pup at home twice a day for that length of time and also to miss out on the walk.


I was wondering if there were any forums for puppy walkers? It would be great if there was, would be fab for finding people in your local area to have walks with and things.


Thanks again


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Its a bit off topic Yolky but we used to have a terrific pet sitter when we lived in an area close to you who used to walk dogs for owners while they were at work etc... she has just given it up for personal reasons but did used to get a lot of business, have you thought about being a dog walker/checker?

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Hi Yolky. Only just noticed this topic. I would also talk to the head of the school.

Quita and now Raffles have been to both my children's schools, both in the playground (which is excellent for them) and inside for talks and in the audience for school plays and concerts.


We have only found one shop which will not let us in with Guide Dog pups and that's the local village shop. they do have penny sweets right close to the floor though which is their argument and we haven't pushed the point. When we first got Quita we went in and talked to the staff at each shop we went in to explain, but now we don't say anything, just walk in and have never been confronted (apart from occasionally in a cafe when they notice a dog under the table, but can't see the lead flash, or we've taken the coat off!, but they are fine once they realise!)


Your kids are the right age (they have to be over 3). It is hard work but incredibly rewarding.

If you do decide to apply and are in the right geographical area to be covered by a supervisor, you will be asked for referees. If that goes well, then you'll have a long "interview" which is really just a chat in your home for the supervisor to assess the kind of person you are and whether your situation/ attitude/ garden (has to be enclosed) is suitable for puppy walking and to talk to you about what is involved. We were really nervous but it was incredibly painless in the end! :lol:


As Maggie has said, please feel free to pm either of us if you've got any questions. Maggie is much more experienced than us though as we're only on pup 2! :lol: There aren't many puppy walkers in Suffolk where I am, but in some areas there is a much higher concentration and your supervisor would be able to put you in contact with other local walkers if they agreed. Also you'll probably meet other puppy walkers if you go along to fundraising activities/ meetings with the local Guide dog Fundraising group. Some areas also have dedicated puppy walking dog training groups.


Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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Thanks for all of your replies everyone.


Redwing, I think I know the person you mean. My friend used her for her cat once and she was great. That is something I could maybe think about come September when I get some more time to myself, thanks.


Little Chickadee, I have just been looking at Raffles pictures and oh my he is absolutely gorgeous! It sounds like you are really loving puppy walking if you went on to number 2. Thank you for all the advice, it is really helpful.


Bessandra, I shall bear that in mind thank you so much.


The husband has the task of sorting the fencing out in the garden, this needs to be done before we apply I feel. We have fence most of the way round but we need a couple of panels at the back and side where the shed used to be so we didn't put any there.

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  Yolky said:



The husband has the task of sorting the fencing out in the garden, this needs to be done before we apply I feel. We have fence most of the way round but we need a couple of panels at the back and side where the shed used to be so we didn't put any there.


Apply now. The whole process takes forever and often once your accepted the supervisor will come back to check that the garden safety improvements have been carried out. As long as they can see that it's going ahead you should be fine. I think we applied in November and got a puppy in February (although this was over the festive season, so that probably slowed things down!) Depending on how many puppies are coming through the system at any one time, you could have to wait even longer than that.

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