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Spooney and Ola... What a shock!!

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I am so glad that someone else feels this way - I was so shocked to see this pair go :?

I am loving this show,& like the fact that I now root for the pros as much as the celebs.I seem to have got to know them over the last few series.

I was gutted when the divine Ian went out last week - even though he & Mica were not great :?


That girl in the green frock (can't remember the name) was very good, wasn't she?

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It was a complete shock. Let's hope they discover a flaw in the voting, or realise that with Tarbuck dropping out they didn't need to vote someone off this week.


Ola is new to the programme and I'd have liked to have seen more of her - the dancing that is, obviously :wink: .



Richard T

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How ludicrous that Spooney and Ola should be voted off.


The judges faces said it all!


You're absolutely right there. Everyone was shocked - and no-one had anything nice to say about Georgina. She must have felt really embarrassed to still be in.


And talking of faces - Anton's face was so unfamiliar. No smiles and even if he did smile, his eyes were dead. He really thought he was out of the competition. I have never seen him look so down before. I guess he put such a lot of thought into the jive and the silly woman still mucked it up. And you're right about the pros Cinnamon, I can vote for them rather than the celebs! I guess others do too and that's why Anton was still in.


I also love to watch Ian dance. Even in the Pros group dances he stands out. I know he's tall but he somehow gives that bit extra performance. :):)


The other good ones IMHO are Darren and Brendan.

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I like Brendan too, even if he does come across as a bit arrogant :roll:

But my fave is Ian - the man can sure move his hips 8)


The Hubby has a thing for Lillia - he even said he would learn to dance if he got one of those nice little things to teach him :roll::lol:


The one girl I just don't get is Camilla - she is a very odd shape :?

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i love anton, but im really not sure about the red jump suit he was wearing on saturday night. anton is mr twinkletoes. :D:D:D


peter schmei(errrrr i cant spell it)cle is also awsome, i would really like him to do well.


i also agree that it would have been better for ola to stay in, but spoony is abit to slimey for my liking.

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My husband and sons agree with Richard T about Ola and Cinnamon's husband about Lilia!


I agree that Ian is super.


I think Georgina has been kept in because she is so lovely and voters feel for her and have lost sight of the fact that it is a dancing competition. We call it the Julian Clary Syndrome.


Jan Ravens was utterly dreadful. We all were mesmerised by what her mouth was doing rather than her feet.


I agree that Camilla is an odd shape. Her legs are all wrong which is most unfortunate in a dancer. (Unkind remark, I know)

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i love anton, but im really not sure about the red jump suit he was wearing on saturday night. anton is mr twinkletoes. :D:D:D


I think black trousers with the red shirt might have looked a lot better!


But I love watching Anton do the Latin dances. He is so good at them, even though they're not really his thing! Did anyone see him do Saturday Night Fever last year for Children in Need? Fantastic! :D:D

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I had to wait until today to post as we missed it and taped it and could only watch last night. I went :shock: when I just peeped here on sunday because the result had been posted in the thead title.... I had a very :( face. Just say strictly update next time :wink::D


Anyway they were robbed, silly public, voting for their favourite 'soap' stars or the underdogs...just plain daft and if we end up with a daft final, they'll be disappointed and we'll be mad:evil:


We were both supporting Spoony (ok Mikey fancies Ola! :lol::lol: )



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