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  Martin B - U16s Manager said:
You won't be laughing on the last day of the season. We'll beat you at the Reebok and finish above you in the league!


we've seen off better Claret and Blue sides than Villa, Martin.. you'd better go out and count those chickens.. they're coming home to roost!





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I think he means West Ham Martin???!!!


Well Phil when i told you to set the ball rolling, little did i think i'd come home from work to find 2 pages of wind up!!!! WELL DONE!!! :clap::clap:

I agree about Morinho - even my grandmother could manage a team decently if she had that much money to spend!!! Such a slimy git as well....



well, Helen...


it seems Google agrees with me....






I've said it before Phil, you have to much time on your hands. Haha. Very funny. i don't think. :evil:


now you;'re talking sense!! GO GIRL!! Helen will be along in a moment to say she didn't see the incident!!


Chelsea and Phil "Ooops, word censored!"ne does not moan, you both said he 'didn't see' the Gilbeto sending off. Well check out


http://www."Ooops, word censored!"nal.com/article.asp?thisNav=News&article=441765&lid=NewsHeadline&Title=Wenger+-+We+have+the+quality+to+cope+without+Gilberto


Sounds pretty gracious and all seeing to me, not at all moany. Wenger doesn't argue with the board (Morinho) manage a rubbish team (o'Neill) or take bungs (Allerdyce) I think we're all a bit jealous of the mighty Wenger...

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Oh sorry. Yes i forgot. :lol::lol:


Actually i shall never forget when we went to watch "Ooops, word censored!"nal play Rotherham(i think) in the carling cup a few seasons back.


We played our youth team (naturally) which meant Taylor in goal and it was a cracking match! It ended 1-1. There were goals (if my memory serves me correct) in both injury time (theres) and in extra time they had their keeper sent off!! Anyhow it went to a penalty shoot out and "Ooops, word censored!"nal won something like 9-8(!!!) and Taylor had to take a penalty beacuse the 10 outfield players had already taken one (which i think he scored) Oh and it was also the debut performance of one Mr C. Fabregas!! And i was there!


Anyhow Stuart Taylor was my hero that night - he's been rubbish since though - hence why he plays for Villa now!!! :wink:

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  gooner.girl said:

Wenger doesn't argue with the board (Morinho) manage a rubbish team (o'Neill) or take bungs (Allerdyce)


I hope your lawyer is on call, Helen... did you actually watch that Panorama programme?? :wink:


it won't be long before the BBC is sued to within an inch of it's life (leaving just enough money for the Archers, I hope!) for dragging a man's career through the mud without a shred of evidence and absolutely nothing to back up their story...


(and that's Allardyce - with an "a")


WIGAN boss Paul Jewell has told "Ooops, word censored!"ne Wenger to stop moaning and learn to accept defeat.


Jewell is sick and tired of the Premiership’s top managers throwing a tantrum every time they fail to get their own way.


And the no-nonsense Latics boss reckons "Ooops, word censored!"nal boss Wenger is the biggest whinger of the lot.


Niall Quinn tells "Ooops, word censored!"nal to stop moaning...




and "Ooops, word censored!"ne gets a good showing here:




moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan moan


(pause for breath)


whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine


:lol: (how mature am I?? :wink: )



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  gooner.girl said:
I think he means West Ham Martin???!!!


West Ham - obviously - but I was thinking of Burnley too!! :lol:


Villa - not even the best Claret and Blue team in the world... :wink:



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  gooner.girl said:


Actually it was Graham Stack not Stuart Taylor - still good story though so i won't delete the post!!! :lol::lol::lol: I'm surte Taylor has saved penalties for us in the carling cup before.........


He had a really good run for you at one stage and he was man of the match when you played United once. I can remember watching it on sky!

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  gooner.girl said:
Yes Phil. Very grown up. Haha.


I obviously hit a raw nerve with the Allardyce truth didn't i!!!!


Mmmm... what truth is that then??


(actually - yes, I have no problem you throwing it in the ring - no worries - but it does hit a nerve because the whole programme was so outrageous - seriously, did you watch it?? - if you're interested I'll post a response from a lawyer friend of mine who goes by the online name of MummywhycantIeatcrayons... A man's career has been dragged through the mud on hearsay, smoke and mirrors - and no evidence has been produced or submitted to Lord Stevens...)


The slurs against Harry Redknapp and BigSam were preposterous - and their clubs stood by them (unlike shameless Newcastle who sacked Kevin Bond without any evidence or proper investigation of the ludicrous allegations..)




PS not that "Ooops, word censored!"nal would know anything about bungs... You must be too young to remember George Graham... doh! :roll:

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I remember George Graham of course Mr Patronizing. I may be young but i'm not Martins age!!! (sorry Martin :wink: )


I supported "Ooops, word censored!"nal through their dodgy period in the early to mid nineties (that still included a league title, fa cup, carling cup and European Cup winners cup though!!) I remember when players like Ian Selley, John Jensen, Glenn Helder and David Hillier were playing for us!!! Classic!

I love Paul Merson and Tony Adams - they're my all time favourite players!


George Graham was king (along with Alan Smith!) in those days and i knew you would bring up the bung issue with Graham - i asked for that! :shameonu: No defence. He was an idiot and i'm sure he regrets it now...


I'm just teasing about Allardyce - i doubt he's done anything wrong but its funny watching you get het up over it!!!

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  gooner.girl said:
I'm just teasing about Allardyce - i doubt he's done anything wrong but its funny watching you get het up over it!!!


Free the Dudley One..... :wink:


'tis of course the stuff of banter - and football fans know where to poke..


for Bolton fans currently - the whole bung thing (though I do think that issue is slightly beyond mere banter, because it is an accusation of criminal activity involving serious repercussions to a man's career.)


for "Ooops, word censored!"nal fans - the whole "Wenger - I deed not see zee incident" stuff


both tacks guaranteed to provoke a response - and both of us predictably predictable... :wink:


but as Chels and Martin are not really taking the bait (despite my valiant efforts!) - it looks like we're stuck with a perpetual Bolton-"Ooops, word censored!"nal vibe..


still, in a couple of weeks time, at least we'll both have some new ammunition!!







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both tacks guaranteed to provoke a response - and both of us predictably predictable...


I know... I am sooo easily bated! Outside of football talk i am an :angel: Well ok, maybe not that good or well behaved :wink: but probably come accross as a bit nicer then i appear on here sometimes! :? Yes i know... Not hard... :D


Going to search the net for some good Chelsea and Villa jokes, see if i can get the other 2 riled up again!!

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  gooner.girl said:
both tacks guaranteed to provoke a response - and both of us predictably predictable...


I know... I am sooo easily bated! Outside of football talk i am an :angel: Well ok, maybe not that good or well behaved :wink: but probably come accross as a bit nicer then i appear on here sometimes! :? Yes i know... Not hard... :D


Going to search the net for some good Chelsea and Villa jokes, see if i can get the other 2 riled up again!!


If you must swoop that low, please do so!

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  gooner.girl said:

Going to search the net for some good Chelsea and Villa jokes, see if i can get the other 2 riled up again!!


Oooohh - good idea!! can I look too? :lol:



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You've probably heard this one before but I like it....


Carlo Cudicini was walking down the street one day when he heard screams from a nearby building. He looked up to see smoke billowing from a fourth story window with a woman leaning out holding a baby.


"Help, help!" she screamed, "I need someone to catch my baby!"


A crowd of onlookers had gathered, but no one was confident of catching a baby dropped from such a great height. Then Cudicini stepped forward.


"I’m the Chelsea goalkeeper,” he shouted to the woman. "I’m famous for my safe hands. Drop the baby, for me it will be like catching a ball"


And with that he adopts the classic goalkeepers stance - legs apart and slightly bent at the knees, body slightly bent forward at the waist and with his arms stretched downwards at a slight angle away from his body, with palms facing forward.


"OK!" screams the woman. "I'll trust you. I've no choice! Here she comes!"


So, with the flames roaring all around her, the woman throws the baby from the window. However, the edge of the baby's shawl catches on the woman's watch with the result that the child goes spinning off to one side, tumbling head over heels and with her little arms and legs flailing.


The woman screams and the crowd gasps, all sure that the baby will perish because she will fall out of reach of the man.

Cudicini remains motionless as the child descends, spinning and tumbling further and further away from him as she comes. Then when the baby is only feet from hitting the ground Cudicini dives a full 30 feet across the pavement, catches the baby in his outstretched right hand, pulls her in towards his chest and shields her body with his left hand and arm.


The crowd erupts with cheers and the woman, still in danger herself, nearly faints with relief. Cudicini, still clutching the child to his chest in his right arm, waves to the crowd of onlookers to acknowledge their appreciation. Then, slowly and gracefully, he turns away from them, bounces the baby twice on the ground, and kicks her 60 yards down the road.

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