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Mel (& Paul)

Any duck eggsperts out there

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We are really keen on keeping ducks, but arent sure if we need a pond, how big it would have to be, wheter it would better to have one that you can move / empty, how noisy ducks are, how smelly they are, etc. etc.

Anyone out there who can advise

Mrs Nesbitt - if you are out there I think you might help!!

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Found it :D


It is an article by Katie Thear and was in the Sept 04 Country Smallholding. This magazine is worth looking at if you are thinking of expanding your flock/garden or just enjoy dreaming about it. They always have a poultry section and the advice and info seems to be very good. There is more about keeping ducks in the sept 04 edition so could be worth going onto the website and ordering a back copy.






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