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I Did Something Embarrassing

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Yesterday I received a notification that I had received a reply (I THOUGHT from the Omlet forum).


I accessed the link, happily read the message, which was about how many of us forum users were from which country and how interesting that was - a harmless message and one which I answered. I then mentioned something about eglus and how interesting that they could get them in their countries too!


Well, as soon as I'd posted my reply I realised that I was on a different rabbit forum and not Omlet! SO, I went back on the forum and apologised for confusion - only to be asked by numerous readers, to pray tell them what Omlet was and what elgus are. I've no idea if I am allowed to advertise on that particular forum and so I gave a brief description. This just aroused more interest from the forum, who wanted to know MORE. I gave in and gave them the Omlet link. That forum probably thinks that I'm on commission or something for promoting Omlet. :lol:


I've decided not to visit other forum for a while... :|

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