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Richard G

The girls have a new boyfriend ....

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Good evening all,


Our girls have a new boyfriend - a beautiful [cock] pheasant, who has begun to hang around Penny and Jemima's run after school.


Whilst he is an exotic addition to the garden I am uncertain of his intentions, and concerned that girls will be lead on, and then astray, and their little hearts broken. They both seem all of flutter about him already.


The children have alliteratively named him Phil [the Pheasant]. My concern is he might want to do just that to my girls .....


Has anyone come across similar relationships, and what sort of ground rules did they set for the girsl ?


Concerned Dad.

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Are you sure you haven't named him after Phil/Revnev :lol:


I would imagine the pheasant is more interested in the food :D . Pheasant season is almost over and the keepers may have stopped feeding. The stray ones don't quite know what to do and if they can see food which looks familiar..........


We've had pheasants in the run with hens but they seemed to stay apart and the pheasants couldn't find a way out :roll: - I send grandchildren running at them and the pheasants suddenl;y remember that they can fly :roll::wink:

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