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Eggs with lumpy bits?

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Haven't had anything for AGES to ask about my chooks but there's this one thing..........

One of my chooks (who always has a mucky bottom) has laid a few eggs recently with "bits" on the outside of the shell that look like lumps of tiny grains of sand all glued together.

Any ideas anyone?

The bits come off if you rub hard enough, I just want to know if it's a sign of anything bad really.

BTW, they do have a dust bath thats filled with sand of roughly the same colour but could this just be a coincidence?

Thanks in anticipation ....

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One of my chooks lays eggs with sandy grainy bits in the bottom always - not sure which one it is but they all seem fine. I think it might be Mildred - she's 2 now and i think they are hers cos they seem to be getting increasingly wonky and although have a hard shell they look almost wrinkly sometimes with this granular sandy stuff on the bottom. I see it as her expressing her artistic side :?

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